Online Classes for Zoom

Join the medical yoga classes for better spine health, mobility and breathing. We will have some extra focus on our lymph flow and fascia during the winter.
This week there is only a class on
Sunday 2/3 10.30-11.30 GMT / 11.30-12.30 CET

If you can’t join the class, you can do a yoga class on your own, you find several recorded classes here.

The link to the Zoom classes can be found further down on this page.

The online class for this week

We begin the class sitting up, with some soft movements around the neck and shoulders. To get the flow of our lymph system started we will do some shoulder rolls with deep active breaths.
After that we will do the deep balancing breathing lying down. If you want you can roll a small towel or similar so put between your shoulder blades to open up your chest.

Then we will do these exercises:

Sit with your legs in front of you, or on a chair.
Breathe in.
Breathe out and stretch down over your left leg.
Breathe in and take your right arm in a bow behind you.
Breathe out, and come back down over your leg.
Repeat a few times and then do the same movement stretching down over your right leg.
Spinal flex with hands at your head.
Put your hands on the back of your head.
Breathe in, lift your chest, stretch your throat gently.
Breathe out, round your back, bring your elbows in front of you. Soft gentle back flexes.
Stand on your knees, or sit on a chair. Clasp your hands behind you.
Come down with your head, and up with your hands.
Breathe in, come up with your head, hands come down, and push your hips and chest forward.
Breathe out and come down with your head and up with your hands.
Cat-cow with hip-circles on all four, or sit on a chair.
Breathe in, lift your chest, stretch your throat, arch your back. Start to circle your hips to the left, your head goes towards your right shoulder.
Breathe out, continue to circle, round your back, let your chin come down towards to your chest.
Your hips moves to the right, your head to your left shoulder. Slow soft circles.
Bend your neck softly to your left.
Breathe in and stretch your throat.
Breathe out and bend your head down.
Continue with soft nods with your head.
Bend your head to your right and continue with the same soft nods. Always gentle soft movements with your neck and throat.
Then some rest and stretch exercises.
Cat stretch, make sure that both shoulders stay in the mat.
Hands and feet up in the air, first rubbing palms and soles, then stretch up to try to reach the ceiling – and the shake, feel how relaxed your arms and legs are.
Hug your knees, roll from side to side,
Then roll on your spine.
Come up to a sitting position and we will end the class with a breathing exercise.

Please find the link to Zoom below

you can also enter the meeting id and code manually in Zoom
Meeting ID: 455 678 1542
Passcode: YogaLS

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