For you that participate on my online classes, I have gathered some more recorded classes here, than those that you find in the menu “Do yoga on your own!”
Each class has a short description of the exercises, so that you can choose which class you want to do.
If you want to do a recorded class in Swedish, you find them here.
When you do yoga on your own:
Make sure that you do all exercises slowly and softly.
At the end of an exercise there is a breathing sequence where you lift up your pelvis and draw your navel towards your spine (it is called a root-lock in yoga) and hold this tension for a short time. This will give a better effect of the exercise. If you have your period or are pregnant – do deep breaths instead.
Recorded classes in English
Deep balancing breathing – about 14 min.
Guided breathing exercise that every medical yoga class begins with. You can do this as a class on its own for recuperation and activating the parasympathetic (rest and digest) system in your body.
You find a link to the deep balancing breathing here.

Yoga with focus on spine health and relaxation – about 50 min.
The exercises we will do are:
– Deep balancing breathing.
– Spine circles.
– Back and neck flex.
– Shoulder lifts and shoulder rolls.
– Rest, stretch and a breathing exercise.
You find the class in this link and find the exercises below.

Calm medical yoga with focus on spine rotations – about 50 min.
The exercises in this class are:
– Deep balancing breathing.
– Diagonal forward bend with arm movement and rotation.
– Forward bend over alternate legs with hands “holding a big ball”.
– Dynamic back-hip twist.
– Spinal twists – standing up.
– Rest, stretch and a breathing exercise.
You find the class here and see the exercises below.

HormonyYoga with focus on your adrenal and thyroid gland
– about 30 min.
We will do the following exercises:
– Deep balancing breathing.
– Back flexes
– Forward stretch with rotation – fall down over one leg, stretch out to the other leg, and slowly come up.
– Static position over left knee, right knee and then in the middle, stretching out your lower back
– Rest, stretch and a breathing exercise.
The class is in this link and you find the exercises below.

Yoga with focus on stretching out your lower back
– about 45 min.
We will do the following exercises:
– Deep balancing breathing.
– Cat/cow with hip-circles.
– Hip lifts.
– Cobra.
– Neck half-circles.
– Rest, stretch and a breathing exercise.
The class is in this link and you find the exercises below.

Medical yoga for better spine health and relaxation
– about 60 min.
We will do the following exercises:
– Deep balancing breathing.
– Knee rotation and hip opening exercise
– Elbow paddles
– Arm-stretch with rotation
– Legs in butterfly position with back flexes and forward bend
– Soft neck exercise with feet movements
– Rest, stretch and a breathing exercise.
You find the class here, and photos of the exercises below.

Yoga Nidra – a guided relaxation – about 25 min.
Lie down in a comfortable position and just listen and receive. Yoga Nidra – yogic sleep in the interface between awake and asleep. If you fall asleep, no problem, that is what your body needs right now…
You find the link to this guided relaxation here.